Our Charity

We are raising money for the Perthes Association.

Perthes disease is a potentially crippling disease of the hip which affects children (mainly boys) between the ages of 2 and 15 years. In Perthes disease the blood supply to the growth plate of the bone at the end of the femur (the ball and socket joint of the hip) becomes inadequate. As a result the bone softens and breaks down.

We have chosen this charity as my son, Max, was a Perthes sufferer and spent over 18 months in a wheelchair.

Monday 10 March 2008

The tent came down this weekend. Partly due to most of the main jobs being finished and partly because I was afraid that it might blow away in the forecast 70mph winds.

Note the the T top sealing device or "Top Bra" as I'm calling it. Might have to cut a hole in that so I can see through the windscreen.

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